
Mon, Wed 8:30am-9:55am

Class Description

Course Title: Chemistry
Instructor: Lindsay Estrada
Email: [email protected]
Class Schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30 – 9:55 PST
Course Description: 

This is a Chemistry course that covers the subject of matter and elements that make up God’s creation.  Topics covered in the first semester include scientific measurement, atoms and molecules, classification of matter and its changes, chemical equations, polyatomic ions and molecular geometry, atomic and molecular structure, and stoichiometry.  Second semester topics include: chemistry of solutions, gas chemistry, acid/base balance, oxidation/reduction reactions, energy and heat, thermodynamics, kinetics and chemical equilibrium. 

Experiments, both in home and online, will be performed to demonstrate principles and concepts introduced in the textbook.  


Requirements for this course are to complete the 16-chapter book, which includes
Comprehension Check problem solving, review questions, practice problems, and labs for each chapter.  Students will complete labs, quizzes, chapter, and quarterly tests.  Students are required to maintain an interactive science notebook, containing class discussion notes and activities, labs, quizzes, and tests.  They will also complete laboratory assignments in Discovering Design with Chemistry.  There are two projects assigned: a research project on a famous chemist, presented as a slide show or Power Point, and a scientific method experiment project, which will include background research, using a notebook to log all details of the project, and fully executing the experiment and write up of conclusions.   

(The textbook is available through or
                  Wile, Jay L. Discovering Design with Chemistry. Berean Builders.
                    ISBN: 978-0-9962784-6-1
Wile, Jay L.  Answer Key and Tests for Discovering Design with Chemistry Berean Builders. (Optional)
Grading Breakdown:
·      Homework: 30%
·      Labs: 15%
·      Quizzes: 15 %
·      Tests: 40%

Course Schedule:
The course is structured over a 32-week school year.  Below is an outline of the units covered:
Semester 1:
Week 1 – 2: Ch 1: Measurement
Week 3 – 4: Ch 2: Matter
Week 5 - 6: Ch 3: Atoms and the Periodic Table
Week 7 – 8: Ch 4: Atoms and Their Chemistry
Week 9 – 10: Ch 5: Covalent Compounds and their Molecular Geometry
Week 11 – 12: Ch 6:  Physical and Chemical Changes/Balancing Chemical
Week 13 - 14: Ch 7: Stoichiometry
Week 15 – 16: Ch 8: More Stoichiometry

Semester 2:
Week 1 – 2: Ch 9: Solutions
Week 3 – 4: Ch 10: Behavior of Gas
Week 5 – 6:  Ch 11: Acids and Bases
Week 7 – 8: Ch 12: Reduction and Oxidation Reactions
Week 9 – 10: Ch 13: Heat
Week 11 – 12: Ch 14: Thermodynamics
Week 13 – 14:  Ch 15: Kinetics
Week 15 – 16:    Ch 16: Equilibrium

Classroom Expectations:
1. Attendance: Students must sign in within 5 minutes before class begins, using their first and last name. If for some reason the student is having problems logging in or will be absent, please text the instructor.

2. Participation: Video must be on, showing your entire face. Use the chat box for questions unless called upon to unmute. 

3. Preparation: Be seated at a table or desk with a pen/pencil ready to take notes.

4. Engagement: Active participation is encouraged. Homework must be completed on time and posted by the due date.

Additional Resources:
Course materials, including additional video lessons and lab exercises, as a vital part of homework, made available through Google Drive. It is recommended that you have a gmail account to be able to access shared Google Drive. Labs will also be provided through and Phet Interactive Simulations.


Enrollment status
Spots remaining
Starting at*

$1,100.00 per student

View all pricing details

* All pricing is for the entire 2024-2025 School Year period. Additional fees may still apply.

Class Details

Monday, Wednesday


Sep 03, 2024 - May 22, 2025