American Govt/Economics

Wed 10:00am-11:25am

Class Description

In American government and civics we will explore the formation and major principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We will also acknowledge the impact of Christ centered values or lack thereof on the government and the nation itself.  Students will understand the impact of historical developments and how they coincide with the changes in the interpretation of the Constitution.  They will understand how and why our federal system of government is very different than how the Founding Fathers intended.  We will address the three branch system of checks and balances and discuss the ways in which individuals, groups, special interests, lobbyists, and money attempt to influence the trajectory of the nation. In the end students will understand deeply their role and responsibility as a citizen within a republic. Students will also engage in meaningful exercises such as Congressional letter writing and crisis scenario role playing.

Enrollment status
Spots remaining
Starting at*

$550.00 per student

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* All pricing is for the entire 2024-2025 School Year period. Additional fees may still apply.

Class Details
janecek, matthew

janecek, matthew




Sep 03, 2024 - May 22, 2025